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High Ability Process

Program Identification Process

The Danville Community School Corporation screens students in grades K, 2, 4 and 8 for high ability or potential for high ability. Data from the NWEA test (ability screener) and CogAT (age level potential for high ability screener) is used to select students. All students with scores in the 95th percentile or higher are placed into a pool of high ability candidates, and teachers then examine the results. All students who score in the 97th percentile or higher are identified as high ability. Students in the 95th and 96th percentile range may be identified based on teacher recommendation. We identify students in one of the following areas: Math Only, Language Arts Only, or General Intellect (scores high in both Math and Language Arts).

Students in Kindergarten complete the CogAT test in January and the NWEA test in the spring. Students in grades 2 and 6 complete NWEA in late January and CogAT test in late March.

This data is shared with the Indiana Department of Education, so they can track the data of our high ability students.

Students may be identified as high ability in off testing years at teacher recommendation. In this case past scores on CogAT and NWEA, as well as SMI and SRI data will be reviewed. Students will also be given the SIGS (Scales for Identifying Gifted Students) to make a determination.

High Ability Placement

Students who are identified will work within a high ability cluster group to encourage progress above grade level for the remainder of the kindergarten year as well as first grade.

1st grade
Students will have been placed into a cluster group for 1st grade language arts and math concentration by late spring of the kindergarten year. Other students may participate in this group as needed, but these identified students will remain here all year.

2nd grade
During the 2nd semester of second grade, all students will be reevaluated for placement in the 3rd grade cluster groups. Students that meet the qualifications will be placed into cluster groups for the remainder of the school year to receive differentiated instruction. This may take place in the regular classroom or outside with a designated teacher.

3rd-6th grade
Students identified for the 3rd grade cluster groups will remain in them for 3rd-6th grade language arts and math concentration. Other students may participate in this group per teacher evaluation, but these identified students will remain here for all four years. Students will also receive enrichment during RTI.

6th Grade
During 2nd semester of grade 6, all students will be reevaluated for identification as high ability. Students that meet the qualifications will be identified as high ability and placed into cluster groups during 7th and 8th grades. The cluster groups will contain identified high ability students and high achieving students.

7th– 8th grade ( LA and Math in 7th and 8th)
Students identified for the 7th grade high classes will remain in them for 7th and 8th grade language and math concentration (REACH classes). Other students may participate in this group per teacher evaluation, but these identified students will remain here for both years.

9th – 12th grades (Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science)
At the high school level, we offer a variety of classes to meet the needs of our high ability population. Honors classes, AP courses, and Dual Credit courses are available for student selection and offer rigorous coursework meant to prepare students for college and career. High ability students will be encouraged to obtain a “DCHS Academic Honors Diploma” which requires them to fulfill all Academic Honors Diploma requirements as well as a fourth year of foreign language, three AP/ACP science courses, two college level English courses, one AP/Dual Credit math course, and three AP/Dual Credit/College Social Studies courses. 

Main Contact


Tina Noe

Director of Educational Programs
Administration Office

Danville Community School Corporation Administration Office

200 Warrior Way Danville, IN 46122
Voice: 317.745.2212
Fax: 317.745.3924
Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm