North Elementary Parent and Student Resources
Helpful Resources
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast and Lunch Menus can be found here.
Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal
Infinite Campus Access For Parents/Guardians
Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows parents/guardians to access, review, and update information for all their students. Infinite Campus offers secure, real-time data. As soon as attendance, grades, etc. are entered at the school, they will be visible to the parent/guardian. Infinite Campus also allows access to cafeteria account balances and a record of cafeteria purchases for their students.
Parents/Guardians can also use the Parent Portal to make payments for your students' textbooks and cafeteria purchases.
An activation key is required to create your Infinite Campus Portal account. Please contact your student's school if you need your activation key.
Infinite Campus Access for Students
Infinite Campus Student Portal will allow students to access and review grades, assignments, attendance, etc. Infinite Campus offers secure, real-time data. Infinite Campus also allows access to cafeteria account balances and a record of cafeteria purchases made.
Want more information regarding creating your personal portal account?
Stopfinder Information
Danville Community School Corporation has launched an innovative app to keep your children safer and make your morning easier and more efficient. With Stopfinder, you and your child will receive detailed information about when the bus is coming, when they arrive at school, schedule changes and so much more!
The app is FREE to all parents for the school year. Download the Stopfinder app from the App Store or Google Play.
To learn more, visit
School Handbooks
High School Student Handbook
Middle School Student Handbook
South and North Elementary Student Handbook
Little Warrior Learning Center Handbook
North Elementary Helpful Resources
Reporting Student Absences
The attendance line is available 24 hours a day. To report an absence please call 317.745.2610 ext. 1007, or email the office at Please be sure to include the following: your child's name, grade and teacher, date of absence, the reason for the absence, and your name and relationship to the child.
Change of Destination
If you know your child will have a change of destination, please send a note to the teacher, and call the main office at 317.745.2610 or email If a change comes up during the day, please notify the office prior to 1:30 pm. If your child attends PACE afterschool and you have made a destination change, please notify PACE that your student will not be attending for that day. You can email Mitzi Dennison at
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Parents are not allowed to get out of their car. We encourage parents to say goodbyes and get morning hugs before leaving home so that upon arrival at school, the students can hop out of the car and be ready for their day at school. We ask that all parents use the drop off line. We ask that you please do not park and walk your child across the sidewalk and/or into the building unless you have business that you need to take care of.
Students are not to leave their cars until 7:30 a.m. Please wait until the first staff member is in the sidewalk area before allowing your child out of the car. Staff will be present to assist students who need help getting out of the car and to maintain safety expectations throughout the morning. Please be respectful to these adults and be aware of them as they work to keep the process moving.
Before stopping in the line, please pull all the way forward. Watch for the staff member directing in the area of the
cross walk. Please do not stop directly in front of the main entrance unless the line in front of you is full.
Parents are not allowed to get out of their car. We feel it is very important that when students come out of the building, there are no adults standing in the sidewalk area. We want to be certain that we are aware of which adult and car each child departs with. We ask that all parents use the pick up line. Please do not park and come to the sidewalk area to get your child. Please do not stop directly in front of the main entrance unless the line in front of you is full. Staff will be present to assist students who need help getting into the car. A Car Rider Card will be given to families that regularly pick up their child. This card must be displayed in the passenger side front window. We understand that there random occasions that a student gets picked up or that there are times when there are different pick up arrangements. In these cases, there may not be a Pick Up Card in the window, and the staff member outside will ask for driver identification to be certain that the individual picking up the child matches the name on the change of destination slip.
Buses will pull out of the parking lot before car dismissal begins.
Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
LATE ARRIVAL: Students are to be in their classroom by 7:45 each morning. If you arrive at school at 7:45 or later, we ask that you park in the lot and accompany your child into the building so that you can sign them in tardy.
EARLY DISMISSAL: In the event that a student must be picked up early from school, please try to do so before 2:00. Between 2:00 and 2:20, parents should refrain from coming into the building so that our focus can be on getting students to their correct destination.